
HackMIT 2018: A journey through my lens

Recently, I got the chance to go on my first international solo trip to the United States of America, to participate in one of the biggest undergraduate hackathons at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, HackMIT 2018. It was undoubtedly the experience of a lifetime. I thank my college, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, TechMIT, part of TechX, Google Inc. and my parents for supporting me and enabling me to visit this glorious event and spend a week in the States to explore further opportunities.

Standing there in the sun, was the best feeling ever.

I learned, had fun, sought crazy experiences, and even bigger adventures. Experimented at every opportunity I had. Met and talked to so many great people from different countries, ethnicities and cultures. I clicked photos, rode the subways, the trains, the cabs, the planes, cycled through the streets of 8th Avenue, admiring the great architecture, tried strange new things, made mistakes, made friends, made pancakes.

All in all I mean to say, US is a great country to visit and travel. Go for it, if you have the chance or the means. That being said, allow me to give you an all-access tour of HackMIT 2018.


StacksFX at HackIIIT – Our #1 hackathon together

Hackathons are essentially hordes of people sitting together for 24 hours, working, coding and building together to convert their own newborn ideas that might solve complex problems. These small babies are later sold (Pitched) to the judges in the presentation round – to make them sound interesting, feasible and cutting edge enough to win a huge cash prize, some cool swags, stickers etc. All the while hogging on free food, lots of coffee and wifi. Yeah, that’s what we did as well with a small distinction that we secured the third prize at Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi, ESYA’s HackIIIT. Read more for my account of the whole experience…
