So, I haven’t written anything lately on my blog. I have been up to something, quite a lot actually. You didn’t miss me? How considerate of you? Click read more, I dare you.
Well, for starters … being a freelance technical writer. I started out writing at some new places, to grow my experience and portfolio.
Google Summer of Code 2018
On 23 April 2018, I got selected for Google Summer of Code under the organization Sugar Labs. Well, somehow I did. Still working on believing though. I think all those late nights of work finally paid off.
GSoC has this thing of noting down progress done each week by documenting it through blogs, which I think is pretty cool. So I will be writing all summer, a blog post every week. Cheers !!
Here’s the link – GSoC #2018
The Geeky Way
It’s a blogging website that posts content about tech and tips and tricks quite frequently. Check out the article that I wrote for them. Now, I don’t want to appreciate myself a.k.a being an obnoxious knob but it’s quite nice actually. Give it the click it deserves. DO IT. Hint: it’s about fishes.
Well, moving on.
OpenEBS – Documentation and Blogs
This is surely a big thing for me, as if not for most people. I started contributing to OpenEBS somewhere around June for the OpenEBS hackfest.
OpenEBS Hackfest is a 3-month long contribution festival that happens twice a year organized by OpenEBS. OpenEBS is a !YASSS Cloud native Containerized project. I didn’t deal much with containerized storage, but wrote and edited a lot of documentation for them. I was the Star Contributor of the Hackfest 2018.
Announcements – and
Contribution Details –
Writing Blogs @ OpenEBS –
So that’s a wrap, I will keep updating this post whenever. It’s not like you would be waiting for something.
Live in the mix, guys.