Hey, you there. Are you starting up with Scrapy and web-crawling, unable to install Scrapy on your Ubuntu distribution. Let’s get you sorted quickly.
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‘n’ honest truths about working remote [Community Edition]
I thought remote work would be easy. I thought it will be comfortable, creative and carefree. I thought I would be so efficient that I be in the zone all the time. Only if I knew how wrong I was. Only if I looked to see beyond the perks of working remote to see the dedication and discipline needed. And the best part that I love the concept even more.
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1st Evaluation report and mistakes that I made working remote (Spoiler: I still love it)
Week #6 26/06 to 02/07
Well, I survived the first evaluation as you can all see. Made some mistakes along the way, recovered with the advice from my mentors and hopefully going strong into work period 2. Let’s talk shop, yes.
Since this is a special blog. I will be asking the questions… and going to answer them.
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Sprinkling some insight into how Spidermon validation pipelines works…
Someone truly great once quoted that “if you can’t explain it simply. you don’t understand it well enough” That’s the way of life, isn’t it? Hence, I would like to take a shot in explaining how Scrapy‘s bigger brother, Spidermon validates the data scraped by spiders, how the gears turn and in the process, I would learn as well. Let’s jump in.
Let’s DIG IN!
Building to deploying your own Action on Google under 60 minutes flat
Let’s make this one quick. You have been seeing a lot of people working on Actions on Google, you have seen a lot of people asking you to review their actions. You have also played way too many quizzes on the Google Assistant. But, you never got around to building one for yourself. What if I tell you, your own action can be written and deployed under 60 minutes flat, without a single line of code. Click below for the quick version
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[#0] ALiAS does it again: Report on our GSoC AMA program
ALiAS is the largest open-source community at Amity University and as one of the founding member of our small 500+ active member community nothing makes me more happier than writing about it and looking back on our accomplishments, failures and new initiatives.
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What really is, Mixster?
[Reading Time – 4 min]
Hey there,
Are you new to these parts of the internet? This blog will explain what Mixster really is and why this little corner of the web has become an indispensable part of who I am, what work I like to do, and how I have been contributing to open-source over the years.

Integrating Hasura’s GraphQL Engine into our React Application
Dive into a fun, articulate tutorial where we dive deep into clearing mysteries of working with ReactJS, the powerful and simple Hasura GraphQL Engine. Let’s jump right in.
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[Fixed] Why default theme not showing @ WordPress.com on mobiles/tablets for Dummies #AMP #rediscover
One fine day, I wondered …
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