Author Archives: vipulgupta2048

[Macro Mind] The Rat Race Switch: University to unadulterated real life.

I woke up this Sunday morning with the need for coffee, and the will to write this blog that has been going around my head for quite some time. With this blog, I am starting Mixster’s new Macro Mind series. This series will go on to become an extensive documentation of my mental processes which are actually worth presenting on HTML web pages just like the one you are reading now.

Few months back, I wrote this piece called 4 months of full-time remote: Hits, Misses and Infectious Initiative to share my experience of working at my new endeavour among other things that I already do. Since the world is transitioning to remote around me. This blog was a way for folks to understand the first couple of months of remote and how they can sail through them as a fresher. It usually has lot of room for mistakes people, hence the blog was called “hits and misses”. Folks learn through my misses & make hits of their own. Nonetheless, what was unique about this blog was, I started this thought process at the very beginning that I couldn’t quite finish or conclude till the end. A recent meeting with a friend retriggered those thinking neurons and motivated me to give it its own blog post. So here goes nothing, folks.

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[Simple English] What the and Why the heck is Javascript’s problem of (a)synchronicity?

I KNOW RIGHT. I mean, what the heck. What is this promise thingy? Why wait with await? If there is something called async, then is there sync as well? Does this all seem a bit too overbearing for you? It sure did for me when started to learn Javascript.

I blinded myself to not think these topics through and that wasn’t very constructive. Let’s not fight this. Let’s clear the slate and clear the mind to understand these concepts. Frantic blog reading and trying out different Stackoverflow solutions wouldn’t help you this time. Let’s take this one step at a time and understand Javascript’s asynchronous nature.

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Adding Appimages to Xubuntu menu, Ubuntu applications and run them on Sudo by default

Appimages are quite frankly great. One easy to use executable binary that can package all dependencies of the application and can be shipped to end users without any need for instructions or configuration by the user. With great ease of use, comes little sacrifice as you might notice application that are Appimages don’t really appear in Linux menu, whisker menu, quick launcher, desktop icons and almost anywhere on the GUI. How to solve this, glad you asked!

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[Simple English] The what, why, and how of Serverless the easiest way possible

You read the title of the blog, it’s clear enough what we are here for. Understanding Serverless the easiest way possible. If what you read below is too slow for your pace. You can jump right into a more practical, hands-on learning experience where I build a party parrot GIF generator from scratch and deployed it over on serverless. The link at the end, or probably on the sidebar.

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[balena] 4 months of full-time remote: Hits, Misses and Infectious Initiative

In the last 4 months, I pseudo graduated without a farewell, couldn’t see my friends for the last time, joined a new role at a startup, put on several hats at work, organized meetups, mini-confs and now helping out with a major Python conference who’s tickets are selling out crazy fast. Subtle promotion tactic, I know. I experimented, grew out to do new things, built my remote setup, and now here’s me writing about the hit, misses, and infectious initiative about remote work of my past 4 months in a world that is burning both figuratively and literally. Let’s begin.

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Future Vipul’s Prep Guide to Dual-Booting: Dejunking Windows 10 and other sweet things!

Hey future Vipul, this is Vipul from 2020. What you know is a drop, what you don’t know is an ocean. You will need this guide when you get a new machine pre-installed with Windows (Whatever latest version is there on the planet you live on). Hopefully, Linux also exists at that time and you want to escape through a dual boot to loving arms of open-source software. You can’t go full Linux because you occasionally use proprietary tools and like gaming on Windows. We will be going through prep for that, to lighten Windows up to run on bare-minimum before the dual boot. Let’s get started, we have a lot to cover.

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Deploying your IOT fleet with OpenBalena on a Virtualbox VM

Deploying an IOT fleet can be a painful venture as we all know. Building your software stack, testing it, provisioning, not to mention all the hoops you have to jump over when you are finally deploying. Even when you have deployed your solution you have to plan ahead for regular updates of the software in the field, maintenance, and huge upkeep attached to it. It’s a tough process, no doubt about it. What if that process could be made much easier with battle-tested tools at your disposal that helps you focus more on the development of your IoT solution rather than the tons of deployment issues that you face when deploying scale. Enters BalenaCloud and Openbalena!

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[Solved] Virtualbox shared folders Guest additions not working on Linux nightmare!

Installing Guest additions on the VM to make the shared folders feature work is a long fought battle out many bad stackoverflow answers. Let me show what worked for me time and again. It’s easy and it’s fast. This is probably the messiest post I have written so far. Not proud of it but I know this will save lives for sure.

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