Author Archives: vipulgupta2048

Writing Documentation & Hacking with Go for OpenEBS #FOSS

Honestly, I have little experience in Go, I have never been inclined to use it much. As I am already comfortable, writing code in Python for about a year now. But that doesn’t stop me from learning new languages and technologies. Hence my utmost dedication to cure myself of the “Too Much too Learn” Syndrome. I went to the Women Who Go meetup in New Delhi, India for a Go 101 workshop. And that’s how I got to know about the open-source project, OpenEBS, and their exciting Summer HackFest.

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Python + GitHub = PyGithub #W4

This will be quick, this week I learned about PyGitHub, that implements and interacts GitHub API v3 and GitHub Enterprise APIv3 in Python and could possibly help you with any crazy ideas that you might have with repositories on GitHub. Want to check for files on GitHub in one or 1000 repositories of an organization/individual. Done. Want to make a pull request, issues, and other administration tasks through scripts that users with access to. Done. Want to check repositories for certain parameters such as last release, members both Public and Private. Done.

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Racing through config files with ConfigParser in Python #W3

Does it seem like to you sometimes when you have a lot of free time and even if you have your hands dipped, dirty, and stuck in so many other pies (projects) that would take you naturally a lot of time to eat and finish (complete), but you still want to reach out for the next big pie (New Project). That’s me in summers and oh man, the pies are piling up. FAST and FURIOUS.
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Bouncers on IRC & The Week that went by

WELL, first up Happy Laughter Day that happens on the first Sunday of May every year. I know right, I didn’t even know it existed. This week had been full of activity as I am settling into my new project and making some headways regarding the same. Life couldn’t go any better as I met a very special friend over the weekend. I am excited about Google I/O #io18 this year, starting out on 8 May, it’s going to be epic. There is an extended session being planned in Delhi by GDG Delhi. I really hope it happens. The developer conf for Facebook wrapped up too, very interesting content and new developments that they brought to the table. Coming to the week of mine regarding Google Summer of Code 2018. Check it out.

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One, two, three … GSoC !!

An opinionated fun start-up guide by Vipul Gupta for people looking to take the first step towards the journey that is Google Summer of Code and my views overall about the initial process. Want to jump in on the action? Click read more, as I go through every question that I have ever been asked over the years to get you absolutely ready for this year’s Google Summer of Code.

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Customise Boot Logo [Xubuntu:Discover]

I for one have been criticised, pointed out and in some cases applauded countless times for my serious addiction to customize whatever environment that I use for my system. I am sure many people also get it, just like me. If you love something with all your heart, you often feel the need to make it your own. That’s what this blog post is all about. I would like to write more than what one blog post could suffice. So just look for the tags rediscover to find more blog post like this.

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Django Party #Investopad_HKV

In the bright sunny days of February, I walked across the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IIT-D), towards Investopad, Hauz Khas to attend a meetup that I was looking forward to for a very long time, ever since I saw it on the meetup page. I was both nervous and full of excitement with the prospect of attending my first Django party organized by Pydelhi and Pyladies Delhi together. With an aim to grasp what Django is and how to truly harness its power in the field of web development.

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Confluence’18 : The good & The great

I volunteered for yet another tech conference and this time my mark has struck much closer to home. In my own university. So, here’s my take on Amity University’s 8th International Conference “Confluence 2018” held on 11th-12 Jan on Data Science, Cloud Computing, and Engineering.

“Too many big words in a sentence makes the sentence cooler by a factor of 10”
– Heisenberg (2018 AD.)

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