Monthly Archives: April 2021

Boosting Web Accessibility to the next level with Azure Immersive Reader

With the sheer pace at which web technologies are evolving, frontend design & development have imploded over the past few years. The increased demand for website accessibility (a11y) is quite frankly unmatched and has left many businesses unprepared for the next billion users. With hot new tools, frameworks, concepts, and design principles being introduced every month. Features promoting accessibility often don’t find the right priority in a frontend team’s kanban boards of things to work on in a sprint.

While the developers building modern websites continue to remain burdened with features & bugs to fix on countless dependencies, platforms, and browsers. I was among them looking for effective tools that can boost accessibility using machine learning on the cloud when implemented. That’s how I came across Azure’s Immersive Reader. Read on to see what you can do with it and how exactly it integrates with your pre-built stack. In order to provide real-world accessibility features with something as simple as a few API calls (and tons of fun).

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