Monthly Archives: December 2020

[Macro Mind] The Rat Race Switch: University to unadulterated real life.

I woke up this Sunday morning with the need for coffee, and the will to write this blog that has been going around my head for quite some time. With this blog, I am starting Mixster’s new Macro Mind series. This series will go on to become an extensive documentation of my mental processes which are actually worth presenting on HTML web pages just like the one you are reading now.

Few months back, I wrote this piece called 4 months of full-time remote: Hits, Misses and Infectious Initiative to share my experience of working at my new endeavour among other things that I already do. Since the world is transitioning to remote around me. This blog was a way for folks to understand the first couple of months of remote and how they can sail through them as a fresher. It usually has lot of room for mistakes people, hence the blog was called “hits and misses”. Folks learn through my misses & make hits of their own. Nonetheless, what was unique about this blog was, I started this thought process at the very beginning that I couldn’t quite finish or conclude till the end. A recent meeting with a friend retriggered those thinking neurons and motivated me to give it its own blog post. So here goes nothing, folks.

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