Now, we test // Week 11

Testing …

What did you do this week?

I wrote my docs. I broke all the tests. I shifted quite a lot of code around. And now, I am fixing it all up. Thank God for git!

Documentation is critical for any open-source project. And as an avid documentation writer, I have a lot of experience writing docs. It’s something I feel good doing. Cerberus docs are no different. I worked on 3 PR’s this week, 

#5 being the old Cerberus Integration PR, whose tests are still being written – 

#6 being the Docs PR

#500 being the Cerberus PR which I opened long ago to add new examples to the Cerberus documentation

Working on full steam ahead for the last week.

What is coming up next? 

Thankfully, just 13 more tasks. Well, I am somewhat of an over-enthusiastic person when it comes to opening project cards. So, I have a lot of personal work to be done. 

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Did you get stuck anywhere?

Pytest-mock took a lot of understanding strangely.
I still don’t get it. Not for long, not for long.

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