Hey, you there. Are you starting up with Scrapy and web-crawling, unable to install Scrapy on your Ubuntu distribution. Let’s get you sorted quickly.
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‘n’ honest truths about working remote [Community Edition]
I thought remote work would be easy. I thought it will be comfortable, creative and carefree. I thought I would be so efficient that I be in the zone all the time. Only if I knew how wrong I was. Only if I looked to see beyond the perks of working remote to see the dedication and discipline needed. And the best part that I love the concept even more.
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1st Evaluation report and mistakes that I made working remote (Spoiler: I still love it)
Week #6 26/06 to 02/07
Well, I survived the first evaluation as you can all see. Made some mistakes along the way, recovered with the advice from my mentors and hopefully going strong into work period 2. Let’s talk shop, yes.
Since this is a special blog. I will be asking the questions… and going to answer them.
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