Monthly Archives: June 2019

Sprinkling some insight into how Spidermon validation pipelines works…

Someone truly great once quoted that “if you can’t explain it simply. you don’t understand it well enough” That’s the way of life, isn’t it? Hence, I would like to take a shot in explaining how Scrapy‘s bigger brother, Spidermon validates the data scraped by spiders, how the gears turn and in the process, I would learn as well. Let’s jump in.

Let’s DIG IN!

Building to deploying your own Action on Google under 60 minutes flat

Let’s make this one quick. You have been seeing a lot of people working on Actions on Google, you have seen a lot of people asking you to review their actions. You have also played way too many quizzes on the Google Assistant. But, you never got around to building one for yourself. What if I tell you, your own action can be written and deployed under 60 minutes flat, without a single line of code. Click below for the quick version

Give me the quick version