Woche acht und neun von Google Sommer Code

I was bored of titles, so thought why not spin it a little this time. Since after all it’s the 1st year anniversary of my blogging streak. Let’s get started, a lot of things learned, this week.

This week (8)
1. Continued making PR’s. if you refer to https://github.com/rdrsadhu/beta-migration-script#migration-status then I have completed the work till Nutrition activity. And the activities till Clock are in pipeline.
2. Quozl suggested to fix multiple license scenarios and look for compatibility (Good Read – https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:LicensingGuidelines?rd=Packaging/LicensingGuidelines), hence implemented that
3. Pro-Panda suggested I can update screenshots, report issues on running build, checking flake8 and more. Hence going to install sucrose and install a few activities. See what I can pull. After porting to GTK3, screenshots should be updated.
4. Working on the other end, I have deployed ASLOv3 on my rig and Jatin gave me access to sugarlabs test repository. Hence will be testing it out in the weekend. A lot of code to read. Good stuff
5. Writing the blog currently for week 8.

Next week
1. More activities will be fixed. The number will vary but will be closely following Rdsadhu’s work as the checklist has grown bigger, each activity now takes more time.
2. Reading; testing; breaking; improving ASLOv3 and learning the many technologies that it implements.



This Week
1. This time, I have done some work in advance, hence made PR’s till clock-activity (109.) With the exception of 2-3 activities notably Turtleart, Pippy etc. In reference to [1]
2. With regard of fixing metadata, we are also updating and adding screenshots, adding missing .gitignore now. Refer turtle confusion PR [2]
Ps. Really loved solving the puzzles in turtle confusion, though it took some time to figure out controls, and browse kept crashing in my sucrose instance. Will identify if there is a bug.
3. A Hack and slash script to automate fixing is ready, will clean it out and post it out on SugarPort once ready.
It does something like this – clones the fork, switches to develop branch, makes a .xo, runs the build script, the .xo file name needs to be written manually, then it unzips it, then licensechecks and then check if necessary files and directory are present or not. When done opens a window in the default browser to make a PR.
Actually, I removed the bottleneck of Github API that was slowing me down.
4. Didn’t put anything new on the server, still working on it. Actually tried to fix it, something broke down in it – its giving out a 503 (https://aslo3-devel.sugarlabs.org)
I am pretty sure, it isn’t because of me. (70% sure)
Coming up next
1. More activities fixed
2. Server deployment and testing

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