Google Drive (Backup and Sync) workaround for Linux.

Are you frustrated, angry and a little hurt that Google has still not released a desktop client of Google Drive for your favorite Linux distro? Are you having weird, nostalgic thoughts about shifting back to the blue screen of death or popularly known as the operating system, Windows? That sweet accessibility, comforts and smooth sync it provides. As your hungry soul searches relentlessly on Google for proper backup options on Linux. Friends fear no more. I got you all covered (Well, almost all of you).

This method here works on Ubuntu [Only 16.04 or higher] (and its other flavors like Xubuntu etc; as tested by me) and Linux Mint without the use of any unofficial clients or opening your browser. If you have another distro other than the ones listed here, then skip down to the last section.

If you tried it on your system or any other distro. Do report your findings and results of your endeavors into the unknown. Also, I have listed various links in the sources section below for reference. Till then follow through these easy steps.

Update#2 – This article has been gathering a lot of views on my blog, and I would love to know where you find my blog and exactly what you were looking for that made you find it in the first place. Comment it all down. It’s truly a dream come true for me that people are getting a solution from a post that I wrote. Thanks for reading !!


  1. Fire up the terminal and install GNOME Control Center (GNOME System Settings) and GNOME Online Accounts.
    sudo apt install gnome-control-center gnome-online-accounts

    This might already be there in Ubuntu 17.04 but install it just to be on the safer side of things.

    Installing GNOME control center (If not already installed)

    Installing GNOME control center (If not already installed)

  2. Open GNOME Control Center on your distro, if you can’t find it. Then enter gnome-control-center in your terminal in Ubuntu.
    For XFCE XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME gnome-control-center
    Viewing GNOME control center in XFCE

    Viewing GNOME control center in XFCE

  3. Open Online Accounts listed in the dialog box that opened.
    Direct path from terminal:- gnome-control-center online-accountsXFCE offers a different view of settings to change it to GNOME view (default it to GNOME control center making it easier to access online accounts)
    GNOME online accounts view

    GNOME online accounts view

  4. Click the ‘+’ button to add an online account in your GNOME Online Accounts. In this case, Google. A popup will open in which add your credentials and voila. Your Google Account is now added and ready for use. Select and remove permission on data GNOME can access and view.

    Add Google Account

    Allow GNOME access

    Allow GNOME access


    Choose which account will be used for logging into the drive

    Choose which account will be used for logging into the drive

    After logging in with your Google Account

    After logging into your Google Account

  5. Access Google Drive from your file manager (In the devices section of Thunar or Nautilus. Whichever you prefer). The second entry in the list (refer image below) is my mounted Google Drive. So it should look something like this.

The 2nd entry is my Google Drive.

All screenshots are taken from my current system having Xubuntu 16.04.

Other Fine Details and More Information

  • High bandwidth is recommended, in sync with Google Drive.
  • Just like on Ubuntu, your files won’t actually “sync” to your desktop, which means you won’t get an entirely offline copy. It’s just a convenient way to manage, open, and modify files without using your web browser.
  • You can seamlessly open and modify files and the changes will immediately be uploaded to your Google Drive account online. Your system will automatically upload the modified copy. Any files you add or delete are instantly synchronized back to your Google account, too.
  • With this, only sync can happen and other features that the Drive Client offers. This is not a complete solution but a workaround. And a pretty good one at that.
  • With me, for undisturbed access to the drive from the manager. Make sure of the following:-
    •    Online Accounts is opened in the background.
    •    If you get a message stating, “Failed to mount; Invalid Credentials for ” Then probably you need to log in again.
    •    If it is slow, then there is really nothing you can do about it. Trust me. Sometimes it is very slow. Though very effective.
  • The GNOME Control Center maybe not be visible in the menu try thus, I provided a way to get over that problem.

Other Clients That I Know of

With the open-source community being so active. They are fully functional unofficial Google Drive Clients who will do the job for you. I still haven’t tried them out. But if this doesn’t work out for you then there is still hope for you. These might not be free. If you have experienced them before, do comment about it.

  1. Download Insync (available for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux: Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Arch Linux, Raspberry Pi CentOS/RHEL as well as portable binaries.)
  2. drive: A Command-line Tool by a Google Drive Developer. Installation details –
  3. overGrive: A $5 Google Drive Client


OneTwo, and Three.

That’s it on my side, hope it helps. Do post out the results or any problems you face in the comment section. Feedback appreciated. If you like the article if it helped you decide on Google Drive for Linux and do consider supporting me by buying me a Ko-FI.  

Till then, live in the mix.


  1. I seem to be almost there. Online accounts asked me to log in to an account. Afterwards I have a window with the google account, as it appears just above 5. However, there is a button for Remove Account, and there is no place to add. I’m using 18.04. A ggogle drive does not appear in nautilus. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. This workaround doesn’t really work for me. I’ve been considering jump into linux, but that dream ends when I realice I can’t have an offline copy of my cloud files to work when I don’t have a decent internet connection, which is not scare. There isn’t any functional opensource linux backup and sync alternative. I still rely on my lovely blue screen…

    1. Thanks for commenting, Edward. Really appreciate it !!
      Well, there can never be any fully functional alternative until Google Drive actually makes one for Linux. But there is still hope for you. You can always try out insync, I covered their product on request in another post, I am sure that it will tick all the boxes that you have in your list. It’s pretty robust, trust me.

      Link –

      If it does feel nice to work with, ping me at [email protected] for access codes that open up premium features.

  3. Thanks for the guide. Very precise on the instructions and works great. Is there an option for selectively downloading drive files to the ubuntu desktop?

    1. Thank you for your kind comments.
      Well, to answer your question. That kind of service Google already provides on the website. Hold control, and tap the files/folders you require. After then, go to more options and select download. Hope that helps!

  4. Found your article performing a google search. I have a headless linux server, and currently use Grive2 to sync my documents to Google Drive, works great. created a cron to sync it twice daily. My issues is syncing photos to Google Photos on linux. I’m wondering if I can x forward the initial setup, then let it do it’s thing.

    1. What do you mean by “x forward the initial setup”

      Syncing documents is easy, but media files is totally a different ball game. Since files are now being blindly replaced, taking more time to upload. IF only there was a version control system present for photos that only uploads the new ones and leaves out the rest.

  5. Thank you for the guide. Very easy to follow. Sadly it looks like google is making it more difficult. After putting in my google credentials I get this error:

    Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app
    This app has not been verified yet by Google in order to use Google Sign In.

    Not sure what is going on with that but it makes the process basically impossible.

    1. I had the same issue. Changing my Google account parameter (turning on “Less secure apps”) did not solve the issue.

      1. Hello Manue, maybe Google is catching up to this workaround and is trying to close up on it. Nonetheless, whatever happens, I think Insync ( got my back, been using it for a year now. It works like a freaking charm. You should try out the pro version if you ever get the chance. I have been rocking the free one since January 2018, recently converted to pro. Check it out –>

        Or read about it in my post here –


  6. It prebuilt in ubuntu. But it still doesn’t help. Syncing of file is automatic process. You only given method to access drive files which can be done using browser. Unfortunately linux and android does not have backup and sync app officially from google to sync required files and folders of our choice. They only sync the things they want in android like contacts, app data, photos.
    Well actually they forces you.
    Google is not providing service to us.
    Its only taking things what he wants in Indirect way.

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