Post, the first and chicks.

Hey, random reader. This is my first blog post. This blog would be everything and anything that I feel good about. That I feel I should write about, let the world know about. Sarcasm being the norm. I will write whatever I feel like about tech, food, life events and everything in between.

Like the site icon that you see (at the top in the tab of your browser). This is my favorite emoticon or emoji. Everyone has their own favorite emoji. Right ? Right ?

“Hatching chick” emoji [^1] or that it is called, was approved as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015. With the description of and I quote here “A cute baby chicken hatching from its egg and seeing the world for the first time”.

I love this emojji

Beat that for a sigil.


So why this particularly …

It’s cute. It’s adorable. Call me crazy, which you can if you have met me. It’s the Sigil of my house, you would understand if you have watched Game of Thrones. I like the golden yellow color it has, and its just soo positive to look at. I think it is great for various situations of surprise, new interests, awe and anything new.  I use it everywhere I see fit. This symbolizes a new life, recreation, surprise and everything smitten …

Example – Bruh, the results are out.

Reply – Whaaaaaaa  I love this emojji !!

So, what about you? Do you have an emoji that justifies your craziness, your mood, your style, your mix? Share it down in the comments section.

Mixster is a free space. Say whatever you feel like. Comment something random if you feel like it. I don’t care. But do express your views. I care for them. Live in the mix.

This blog has been written using Markdown


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