Humans of Mixster

TL:DR I have a smol announcement to make as 2019 comes to an end. Mixster is no longer just a blog, nor its my corner of the web anymore. The little corner on WordPress street just moved into an apartment with a bunch of weirdly unique and extremely talented people. Let’s just say its nothing serious, no commitments. But, it’s our place now and I love it. Head on down to see the amazing folks who will now be writing & working for Mixster, and all its clients, & organizations.

“It’s a people.” Thanks for the assist, Odin.

Wow that’s amazing, what triggered this change/idea?

Well, it was mid-2019, I was going through a rough patch in my personal life and I wasn’t doing so well. I couldn’t write, nor express what I wanted to say. As if someone replaced the breath out of my lungs, with molten rocks. I lost control. Something I really value in life. I have previously pointed out that for writing

Be it blog posts, stories, short paragraphs or late night messages. The right rhythm is necessary. The words will flow out like a gushing river only and only when they strike the right chord with your heart. & while writing it strikes every chord of “Time in A Bottle” for the man behind Mixster.

Personally, I like to be in control. Take one step after the other, figure out problems on my own and help countless others to the same. It’s something I live by. But, this happened to me the first in a long time. And, I intended to experience it fully and take feedback from it. I am often default to open and quite active on social-media.

Hence, there I went posting tweets and starting to talk talk about it. I started to feel lighter as I didn’t keeping anything to myself. And, along with that like an eagle from the sky the god-sent Twitter fam came all out with open arms to pick me with comments and heartwarming DM’s. They replied, they recommended but most importantly they understood what I was going through and through.

Community, am I right?
It sometimes does the most amazing unasked things for or to us.

About that time, I happen to start talking with my current adviser-in-chief whose direction (pun), is about the same that I have in life. She meticulously tore down layers of my trust issues, pain & helped me realise that life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. She talked about her problems, and I just listened. Somewhere deep down I related with her… As time passed, she happened to land upon Mixster, and asked how I manage to cope up with it all. College, Freelance and Mixster.

I couldn’t answer her then because I wasn’t coping up with it correctly. I was failing miserably. I was just burying myself with more work. That day I realised if I like to make Mixster what it is now. What I actually envisioned. That I would need more help, that I need to open myself up for change, for growth. Unknowingly, she is the real reason why we are all here and why I am writing this.

Authors who express @ Mixster

Abhipsha Das

Abhipsha is a full-time student and a part-time nomad. She loves to walk, dispense advice, and talk to as many people as possible.

She is an aspiring ML researcher but also loves to dabble in all kinds of technologies. She really hopes to have at least one of her many endearments added to the dictionary.

Mrinal Wahal

Along with being a writer at Mixster, Mrinal is also a visionary computer scientist in the making who also heads his premier company Oversight. Oversight is primarily targeted towards the enhancement of Research & Innovation.

Aastha Bist

“This woman here is a peace loving person who cares about food, code and occasionally people. If she knows you, she has already given you at least three nicknames you might be unaware of.”

She flirts with programming languages, frameworks and mingles with all things tech. Writing on the other hand, brings her inner peace. What drives her to success is the willingness to keep climbing up some or the other learning curve, always.

Aarush Ahuja

My posts here represent my opinions on technologies I dabble in. Currently, I have my curiosity in distributed systems and trying to make sense of how computers work. Apart from computers, I also have fun playing the guitar (An Ibanez GRG170DX with a Cort CM15R Amp, a Yamaha F310).

Kaushlendra Pratap Singh

A budding programmer who loves writing both code and prose. Defence aspirant who knows how to run a ‘X’ country and knows a lot about Indian armed forces.
You can call me Polymath!

Nikhil Maan

Nikhil’s is a Python and C++ developer, and spends his time contributing to open-source. He created and currently manages the ALiAS blog, and spent the summer working with the Python Software Foundation for Google Summer of Code.

His hobbies include playing games, writing documentation and creating content. Being just another kid trying to learn whatever I can. Be sure to checkout his blog @sc0rpi0n101

One who never left my corner

… no matter how much of a “D” I am. No matter how down I get. No matter if I even forget. There is a person who has always been there for me. Over and above anyone else. She was always there, listening to me mumble on calls, go off-topic on stories, sending long grammar-less emails or filling in the gaps of my insufficient medical knowledge about humans in general.

 “Did you know? Cold temperatures cause the scrotum and testicles to retreat up toward the body.” 

I know right. I couldn’t believe her either!

She was there when I opened this little corner. She was the first person to join Mixster. Her eyes reviewed everything I wrote (I was terrible back then) and they still are the hardest critic for anyone who writes here.

At the very best, she mixes life up, tries to keep it Vanilla but end up conquering it all. Sakshi, I won’t thank you for being there. For tolerating me, for keeping up with me, & for helping me grow. What I want to do is try. Try to be like you in life. Ending this on a little slideshow of you.

Reviewers, Advisors, Inspirations.

Stuti Saran

Not a killer by profession. Well not until someone mentions that how much Supernatural sucks, her X and some 100 other things. She has been a committed friend through dark conversations at night and menu choices. A worthy reviewer for Mixster, a aspiring “Computer-related” role/field and relationship with music

Disha Garg

Things she talks about:-
– Admiration for my work & words.
– Travels spanning 13 countries, & talents covering “2 and half” Vipuls
– She destroying me at Jenga.
– Answering my weird ass Q’s at 6 am when I sleep, as she wakes up.
– Our dark distant past, life’s shenanigans & my nicknames.

An aspiring architect, an alien (because who doesn’t like chocolate, movies, tea or coffee) & my advisor-in-chief. She vibes me up. Daily. Thanks for existing, girl.

Saumya Govel

Human. Designer. Writer. Actor. Dancer. Typographer. Entrepreneur. Thinker. Instinctive. Nomad. Photographer. Gregarious. Always seeking while walking with a few giggles.

Resides in Mumbai. Meets twice a year. Owns a macbook. Loves Gurgaon & hates me for mentioning it.

Anuvrat Parashar

The first name who inspired me to start writing and has still been my guiding light on the highway of life. Thank you!

ALiAS (2016-20)

The most valuable thing I built in college. I am proud of it beyond anything else. My driving force to write, learn, improve and write again.

Durgapur Linux Users group

Read more here.

Legal Consultation

This is the only alien I haven’t asked beforehand to be part of this list, only because I wanted it to be a surprise. Imagine, years from now, she types her name on Google or visiting this site by chance and probably sues me on the spot. Trust me, she will do it. She has already put handcuffs on people for less. That came out to be too kinky, didn’t it? My bad, (Sorry, Anmol)

Anmol Dhindsa

Given a total of 0.6 fucks for any advice about life. I value hers a lot on countless legal matters. A friend who was/is always there & was understood when wasn’t.

I hire someone else if she didn’t have the cutest dog, a great fire that burns steadily inside her & similar drive for success that matches mine. When she’s not doing internships at the Supreme Court, she is making fragile plans for travel, going out and short relationships with fellow humans.

Financial & Fam

Surbhi Gupta

Aspiring Chartered Accountant.
Handles Mixster’s cashflow
Zomato Level 11 reviewer.
Losing weight since 1996
Always in for food.
Expert Beautician.
Interested in finer things.
Drive to experiment.
Loves FRIENDS, B99, The Office.
Also, sister. 4 years older.

Last but not the least.

Hatching Chick
The real MVP

It’s cute. It’s adorable. Call me crazy, which you can if you have met me. It’s the Sigil of my house, you would understand if you have watched Game of Thrones. For me, it symbolizes a new life, recreation, surprise and everything smitten …
Aastha secretly suspects that the chick is what controls me, quite frankly I don’t disagree.

Party Parrots

Party Parrot based on Sirocco, the hardest partying parrot ever. Sirocco is a kakapo, a large nocturnal parrot, and one of the 211 remaining kakapo in the world.

Read more about their evolution on becoming the famous Party Parrots, known all over the internet and being my soul animal.

This sums it up for the year, I am sure we would be having many new faces of writers, reviewers and mentors joining the Mixster team in 2020. Maybe then after almost 4 years of doing this, I will write the story about the origins of the word, Mixster. I am sure that would be a fun story for you all to read. Well, that’s that. This was much fun to write. As always folks, don’t forget to live in the mix.

This blog is brought to you by Vipul who also happens to keep the lights on around this place, is always on the hunt for new writers for his initiative, Mixster and see to it that everything he writes has at least has one party parrot gif. Great guy to talk, even better if you meet him. He likes his coffee strong, and memes stronger. Known by the name @vipulgupta2048 all over the web.

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