Author Archives: vipulgupta2048

After learning X, how should I go further? Rising above your programming plateau in 3 simple steps.

This is the start of mini posts that I will be writing every week about whatever the week has been about and what hasn’t it been. Your boi is a hard working, employed boi so probably 3000 words long essay style blogs will become a thing of the past and I will learn to compress information down to really important bits for once in 2020. We just lost Irfan Khan. I am not sure I am handling it all too well. Nonetheless, we carry on against the droning deafening hollow of life.

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How to be financially independent before college without getting lucky‽‽

This blog is one of the few special posts I have been writing on Mixster in the ongoing pandemic of 2020 before I start my next adventure (Got a Job!) In these crazy times of social distancing, isolation and Ramayana, I rediscovered writing to be something that keeps me calm and composed. I have been looking back at my journey that started with chasing after a piece of paper that would certify that I am a Bachelor of Technology to now being financially independent and content with who I am. Well here I am spilling the beans and documenting my 4 year journey.

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Dabbling with React @ React India 2019: A Tweet story

Lush green trees, monsoon weather, soul cooling winds coming from the tumultuous waters of the beach where sounds of waves splashing over the dry sand can be heard by people walking by. Now, just imagine a tech conference on a piece of software that powers almost half of the web today at the place that I just described. How could you stop yourself? I couldn’t. Here’s a brief twitter story of my adventures at React India.

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Taking names, giving hugs: Acknowledge-II-Mentation

This year has been amazing for me. For my communities, my projects, my initiatives, my interests, my work, my life, and of course Mixster. Hmm… a lot of “my” in that sentence. Let’s fix that. 2019, also gave me my fair share of letdown, losses, failures, anxiety, depression, breakups, server crashes, and bugs. And, I am sure I haven’t seen the last of them. But, that hasn’t stopped me to pause my life for a moment, look back and write this amazing post again. That’s why you have been sent a link for this post. Because, you are special and you did something great, this year. Little things that I like to acknowledge and appreciate.

Now, while people rush towards the finish line in this silly pursuit of happiness, I want to be different. I would like to be the one that stops just for a day, look back and say thanks to all the amazing people that mattered, people that helped, folks without whom I won’t be here. This is me uncut, taking names and giving hugs per name taken. That’s what Acknowledgement-ations is all about. This is Vipul Gupta, and he is feeling grateful, full of love. This one is going to be extremely long. Some of you are extremely busy, so you can just search your name for a faster turnaround.

read to find your name

Handling Logs with Graphite

Graphite is an enterprise-ready infrastructure monitoring solution which can plug into existing infrastructure and solve the problems of time-series data storage, performance measurement, and data visualization. It is easily deployed as a platform for the Cloud and On-Prem. It is a mature and reliable open source monitoring solution solving monitoring issues for numerous large companies. With an extensive amount of integrations and tools available, Graphite can be modified to serve your needs from different storage backend’s, data collection agents, visualization tools, anomaly detection and alerting. 

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StatsD vs CollectD: Most detailed version

Busy servers and applications have a lot of things to monitor and there are stats in several forms. The stats are regarding your servers, applications running on those servers and loads of metrics which needs to be collected and monitored properly. Processing and collecting these stats help in deciding factors like scaling, performance of the system, troubleshooting and among more in your configuration. For monitoring to be precise, the system needs loads of data and the amount of data collected will likely increase the chances of understanding what is happening at any point of time. In this blog, we will be placing two popular collection programs StatsD and CollectD head to head to see what works in diverse use cases, and listing their pros and cons. Let’s go over why StatsD and CollectD are called daemons.

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[Simple English] What is Kubernetes (K8’s), “The Office” version.

As soon as one hears about, Kubernetes or K8’s. The minds of some people run off to faraway lands as to what this complex piece of technology really is. With this post, I will give my best to bring forth some unique clarity on the subject with the help of my favorite sitcom, The Office. This is for people who basically know nothing, know very little or should know nothing about the technology but still want to know what the hype is about. It’s for everyone. Also, a bit of a disclaimer.

Let’s Go!